Wednesday, 22 April 2015

So... How's Life?

Hello Blogger, my old friend,
I've come to write on you again...

Well, March is done and I wrote on here a grand total of... once! And that was mostly videos. It really doesn't take a lot of thought to compile a few videos. (I'll be honest, it did take a couple of tears on that one because memories. Or as the kids say these days ALL THE FEELS!)

Part of the great disappearing act was because I have a fancy-schmancy new title at work. To celebrate, my boss gave me a project to lead... and one month to prep, write and train before launch date. 

You know, on second thought, that seems like a really shitty way to celebrate.

The roof of my apartment building was being redone. I live on the top floor so it was a month footsteps and banging noises starting at 7am every morning. I was up when it started so it really wasn't a big deal for me but it was a big deal for the kitties. When I'd get home, they'd snuggle in so tight I couldn't lift my arms. It is next to impossible to do anything when you have two stressed cats who only want you to comfort them. Every night was pretty much this:

Found on Distractify

The roofing ended last Friday and the cats have finally stopped running to their hiding spots at 6:55. This week, I might actually be able to vacuum without a toddler-style meltdown from both of them.

I'm living the dream, my friends. Living the dream!

Work has dominate my life this past year. The great thing about finding a job I want to turn into a career is that I really enjoy working. Even during stressful times, I thrive in my work life now. The hard part is that being single with two cats makes it really easy to just let work dominate. I stay late when I have to, I occasionally pop in on the weekends, I come home and read work-related articles.

I realised in March that despite having my life back after our large work project, I hadn't actually taken it back. So I set a plan for doing just that and that includes being around this place more often. Here's hoping I stick to it!

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