Sunday, 11 August 2013

Welcome to My Corner of the Interwebs

After an unintentional break from blogging which has lasted just under 15 months, I'm throwing my sombrero back into the blogging ring!

Once upon a time, I had two blogs each with a different purpose. Slowly, they both morphed until I started doing something that I personally hated but couldn't find a way around, tracking back from one blog to the other one. I was debating ways to correct this issue - although I'll be honest, I wasn't trying that hard - when awesome things happened, life got busy, and I just straight up stopped blogging because of my crazy busy but amazingly awesome life.

After such a long break from blogging, starting a whole new blog just seemed like the narcissistic natural thing to do. I bantered about a couple of new blog names, even decided on one only to find out it was taken by someone who made one post in 2008, before a conversation about the trend of cool nerds led to 'Never the Cool Nerd'. Because cool has never been a good word to describe me.

I can say with some certainty, this is not the picture of someone who is cool.
This blog is just my little corner of the electronic world. While I make no promises to consistency of posting or even a central theme to this blog, I do hope that you what you find is both entertaining and educational. I'm big on both those themes in my daily life.

And cats. I love cats.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I love that you are blogging again, Andrea! Oh, and I also love cats:)

  2. So, that's one vote for more cat posts ;)

