Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Is This Thing On?

*taps mic*

Uh, hello.

*feedback through the speakers*

I didn't mean to go an entire month and six days without blogging, but here we are. It took me three weeks to get over my jetlag. Three weeks! For the first couple of days, I was in bed by 4:30pm - I get home from work at 4:20 - and then waking up at 3am. After that, I just had to take a nap every day at 5pm. When I was finally able to stay awake until 8pm without a nap, I felt like I had succeeded in hiking Everest. Crazy times when you can stay up to 8pm.

Once I was out of that fog of slumber, it was straight into the holiday festivities.

And here we are, one month and six days later.


I have been working on some more 'travel advice for Tanzania' centred blog posts over at A Rambling Nerd and am planning on posting those in January and February. I will (once again) link up to them over here so if Tanzania is on your travel list, you can check them out.

For now, Merry Christmas. Enjoy this Inuktitut version of 'Silent Night'.