During my Christmas shopping, I came across a 50th anniversary box set
of James Bond with all 26 movies. Regularly priced at $270, it was on sale for
$150. As a fan of James Bond since I saw "For Your Eyes Only" when I
was 8, how could I pass that up?
When I got home, I ripped open the packaging and flipped through the
beautiful pictures. So pretty! I pulled out "Dr. No" only to realise that I had bought Blu-Ray. I don't have a Blu-Ray
While that's an easy and inexpensive problem to solve, it seemed a little ridiculous to set up a
Blu-Ray for my laptop monitor. I decided to forego cable 5 years ago this
month, so when my 8 year old K-mart Special crapped out six months after that
then I didn't both replacing it. Everything came in through my laptop anyway.
Flash forward to 26 Blu-Ray James Bond movies and an aging laptop... it was
time to get a new TV.
After a few weeks of doing my homework of the best bang for my buck -
my friend who knows TVs gave me three recommendations - I bought a new TV this
past weekend. The first thing I did was watch Skyfall and I love this new piece
of technology more than I should probably admit. If we're Facebook friends or
you follow me on Instagram, none of this is news to you because I was so
ridiculously happy with my TV that I had to share it with the world.
But it's not just the new TV that has me excited. While contemplating
the purchase, I started thinking about how much I miss cable. Specifically, I
miss sports. I miss hockey games on in the background while I cook dinner and I
miss soccer games on while I recover from a hangover. The reality is that there
are only so many times you can go out to watch a game. I'm getting sports
again! With my little brother now living in my neighbourhood, we're already
talking about having a big Irish fry up for the important Liverpool games.
As for Bond? Well, that's a series that's meant to be shared,
especially the older Bond movies. I could never have had Bond nights when I
just had the laptop, but I fully plan on having Bond nights now that I have a
snazzy new TV.
Who would have thought that purchasing a TV - a passive form of
entertainment - would mean an increase in my social life?
And in case you didn't hear the rumours of who might be replacing Daniel Craig, I'll just leave this here: